Monday 27th - Public Holiday

Tuesday 28th - First Day of Term 1

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Enrolment & Fees

When can your child start preschool? 

Children are entitled to access 4 terms (1 year) of government preschool in the year before they start school.

Children who turn 4 years old:

before 1 May are eligible to start preschool at the beginning of the year.

on 1 May to 31 October can commence preschool through the mid-year intake at the start of term 3 of that year

after 31 October will be eligible to commence preschool at the start of the following year.

Parent Information 2024


Enrolling your child

You can register your interest to enrol your child with us by using the preschool registration of interest form. This form is also available from us.

Try to register your interest by 30 June, but you can do this any time during the year.

Priority will be given to children living in our catchment area. If you don’t live in our catchment area you should indicate at least 2 other preschool options on your form.

Please follow this link for details on the North Ingle Preschool  Catchment Area

If we can give your child a place with us we’ll send you an offer letter in term 3. You can accept the offer by filling in and sending back the acceptance slip by the due date.

Before your child starts

We will contact you in term 3 about an orientation session. This will be a 1-hour session where you can ask questions.

Before they start preschool your child can come to pre-entry transition visits. These will be in term 4 and are a chance for your child to meet our staff and other children.


We ask you to contribute towards the cost of your child attending preschool.

The parent contribution is $60 per term. You can choose to pay the total amount at the beginning of the year or pay 4 instalments of $60 each term.

We offer other programs that may have an additional cost.

When to pay

We will invoice by week 2 of each term via your child’s communication pocket.

Payments can be made at any time throughout the term.

Please contact us if you have difficulty paying. We will keep this confidential.

How to pay

Cash or cheque

You can pay cash or cheque at the front office of the North Ingle School. Please put the payment in a sealed envelope with your child’s full name on the front.

EFT information

You can pay by direct deposit online. Our bank details are provided on your invoice.

Please put your child’s full name as the reference.


When you enrol your child you will be asked to provide evidence of their immunisation status.